Dr. Mehrdad Babazadeh (Director, Chief Executive officer )

The board director, and website owner, Mehrdad Babazadeh did his Post-doc on Embedded Systems at Imperial College London (among the top ten Universities worldwide). He got his Ph.D. and MSc in Control Systems from the University of Bremen (Germany) and the University of Tehran (Iran) respectively and his BSc in Power Systems from the Iran University of Science and Technology. His former employment was as a Senior Engineer with the R&D sector of the number one company in Modern Energy (Vestas) in Denmark, working on Wind Power Plant Controller design and development until November 2012. Since then, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Control Department of the University of Zanjan in Iran.
Mahmoud Mousavi (Director, CMO)
Mahmoud Mousavi received his MBA from Middlesex University in the United Kingdom, a postgraduate diploma in Business from Westminster University, United Kingdom, and a Bachelor of Science in Business from DeVry University in Canada. He has extensive years of marketing experience. His most recent role is being the Head of Business Development at MALEK CAPITAL and CEO – Deputy at GOURMANIA INTERNATIONAL in Kuwait. His educational and professional background is vital for the development of SmartEye.
Behnam Shamshiri Nasab (Director, Chief CFO & Chief Human Resource officer)

Mr. Shamshirinasab has a solid background in engineering and has +20 years of working experience in finance and business development in engineering industries. He has successful experience in starting a business from scratch and making it very profitable. He manages all the finances and human resources of nearly 250 employees with additional contractors, as necessary. His knowledge, expertise, and go-getter mentality will be vital in establishing the company in Canada and becoming successful.
As the CFO, Behnam Shamshirinasab has the following responsibilities: bookkeeping, finance management, and managing financial operations. He develops financial and tax strategies, manages the capital request and budgeting processes, and develops performance measures and monitoring systems that support the company’s strategic direction. He will be playing our CHRO role and designing and evaluating career paths, overseeing all HR functions, and crafting strategies that meet our business goals.
Eng. Bahador Reyhani (Director, Chief Operations officer )

Bahador Reihani has several credentials and a solid educational background. He holds a master’s degree in Civil Engineering- Soil & Foundation mechanics in 2014 from Hormozgan University. He also completed a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering-Civil in 2005 from Busher Islamic Azad University.
He brings strong work experience to the team as a shareholder and Director of Operations at Raham Pars Shayan Construction Co., in Shiraz municipality contracting projects, Shiraz, province of Fars from 2013 to 2020.
Moreover, his time as Deputy Executive at Petro Sahel Co., in the construction of the great bridge of the Persian Gulf, in Qeshm Island, province of Hormozgan, from 2011 to 2014 will be invaluable to this company’s growth.
As the Chief Operating Officer (COO), Bahador Reihani will oversee the business’s day-to-day administrative and operational functions and implement business strategies, plans, and procedures. He also must set comprehensive goals for performance and growth for the company. Finally, he will establish policies that promote company culture and vision.